carnival block造句


  1. From there, the supermarket began to help the carnival block.
  2. In Recife, the carnival block Galo da Madrugada was registered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the biggest carnival parade in the world.
  3. Some of the town's Carnival blocks feature African dances like the Congada, brought to Brazil from Congo by African slaves in the 17th Century.
  4. Il?Aiy?is a carnival block celebrating its African roots that cultivates and performs social work that seeks to improve the self-esteem of black people through affirmative action.
  5. On 8 March 1978 the then carnival block was officially registered, that he / she had as president Haroldo Moreira, among their founders : Jos?Carlos Rodrigues, Jos?Paulo de Oliveira Chaffin, Jorair Ferreira, Jorge Brum and Nilton Belomino Bispo
  6. It's difficult to find carnival block in a sentence. 用carnival block造句挺难的
  7. The contours of the modern samba came only at the end of the 1920s, from the innovations of a group of composers of carnival blocks in the neighborhoods of Est醕io de S?and Osvaldo Cruz, and the hills of Mangueira, Salgueiro, and S鉶 Carlos.
  8. From Carnival Friday to Ash Wednesday, revelers organized into " blocos, " or Carnival blocks, pound the cobbled byways dressed as Italian harlequins, " lost souls " risen from the cemetery or, in one case, Swamp Beasts covered head to toe in the pungent, red-tinted mud of the Paraitinga River.
  9. Besides Galo da Madrugada, thousands of others carnival blocks with sizes ranging from few hundred to millions of people, perform in the streets of Recife and Olinda including As Virgens de Olinda, Eu Acho ?Pouco, Batutas de S鉶 Jos? Lenhadores, Pitombeiras, Segura o Talo, Bloco da Saudade, Enquanto Isso Na Sala de Justi鏰 and Homem da Meia-Noite.
  10. Then, on April 28, 1928, at a meeting at Travessa, Sai鉶 Lobato, aged 21, the arengueiros Z?Espinguela, " Seu " Euclides, Saturnino Gon鏰lves ( father of Dona Neuma ), Massu, Cartola, Pedro Cain and Abelardo Bolinha founded the " First Station Block " ( Bloco Esta玢o Primeira )-regarded as a predecessor to the present day carnival blocks and samba schools.


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